100 Years, 100… Snubs! – Part Four

The penultimate episode of our May miniseries is here! And this week, we are returning to a few repeat boot victims and some of our favorite oft-discussed films and performances. This round of snubs and boots includes terrifying bundles of sticks (cough), being 4′8″ and dying, codpieces, visions of the afterlife, lump twins, Mike Leigh performers, Spike Lee performers, horror movies, the upcoming live action The Little Mermaid, and lots more!

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Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil

BONUS – We Like Her With The Bonnet

This May, we are kicking off our second ever miniseries by taking a month-long dive into the filmography and Oscar history of Naomi Watts. Coming this month: we’re talking Le Divorce, The Painted Veil, Diana, and St. Vincent. And to kick things off, we are bringing you a special mini episode to set the stage for the discussion.

In 2001, Watts emerged on the scene in a big way with David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive, but missed out on a Best Actress nomination against very mighty competition. In this episode, we discuss that genius performance and how it would set the stage for Watts as a performer who was owed a follow-up nomination after the snub. Topics also include perfect American dialects, other THOB-eligible movies starring Watts, and her track record of working with great directors.

Follow Us on Twitter!
Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil