The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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014 – “But, What About Me?” Asks The Straight White Man
| 11. March, 2014


Spoilers For Season One of True Detective.

This week, Katey, Patches and Da7e are David-less as SXSW needs its documentaries judged and who better than David to judge things? This week’s answer is: “maybe the other three” as they throw down about the current pop culture crisis of masculinity that was introduced by Devin on last week’s Enemy Review. Then, Da7e has a new style of mini-game for Patches and Katey and the stakes (more podcast planning work!) have never been higher. Finally, the group processes True Detective: what did it all mean? What was the scope of the story and is it your own damn fault if you were let down? Those questions are certainly posed.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Da7e (@da7e), Patches (@misterpatches)  and Katey (@kateyrich).

We also welcome your feedback, and there are lots of new places you can find us! Find us and like us at our Facebook page or call and leave us a voicemail at (914) 410-6450– if we like it, we may play it on an upcoming show.

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!


00:00 – 00:42: Lightning Round: Visceral Scenes.

00:42 – 01:26   Intro: Welcome To Episode 14! 

01:26- 14:50   Tidbit: Masculinity Crisis!

14:50 – 21:13   Mini-Segment: Da7e’s Family Feud Style Game With No Elegant Name

21:13 – 48:31  Segment 3: True Detective in Review

48:31 – 50:38  Outro


This week’s music:

Family Feud Theme 1968
“From Any Road (Theme from True Detective)” by The Handsome Family


011 – Scatological Meta Commentaries And Meta Scatological Commentary
| 18. February, 2014


Plus Film Centipede 2004 Edition!

This week, Katey, Patches and Da7e welcome David back to New York with a River of Fundament a five-and-a-half hour Matthew Barney art film that Patches saw. It’s about the resurrection of Norman Mailer through a river of feces, and that’s just the beginning. Please make note of the show times below if you’re a sensitive listener. After that, our run of February trivia segments continues with the Film Centipede Game and a discussion about the first episode of BBC’s Sherlock and how TV Meta Commentary can be good and bad for the story.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Da7e (@da7e), Patches (@misterpatches), David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner),  and Katey (@kateyrich).

We also welcome your feedback, and there are lots of new places you can find us! Find us and like us at our Facebook page or call and leave us a voicemail at (914) 410-6450– if we like it, we may play it on an upcoming show.

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!


00:00 – 00:56: Lightning Round: DISASTERPIECE!

00:56 – 01:51   Intro: Welcome To Episode 11! 

01:51- 14:12   Patches Tidbit : River of Fundament

14:12 – 25:52   Mini-Segment: Film Centipede ’04 Edition

25:52 – 48:03  Segment 3: TV Meta Commentary

48:03 – 52:26  Outro


This week’s “music:”

The Poop That Took A Pee – South Park, “Scrotie McBoogerBalls”
“United States of Whatever” by Liam Lynch
“Seventy Cops” by Steroid Maximus
1000 Pieces of Light” by Jess


010 – This Bechdel Test Podcast Doesn’t Pass It
| 11. February, 2014


Plus David From The Berlin Film Festival!

This week, Katey, Patches and Da7e have heard your cries for more trivia and deliver in a Katey-moderated Patches Vs. Da7e mini-showdown. Elsewhere in the world, David is attending a film festival, The Berlin Film Festival! Possibly with a bag over his head, the not-famous-anymore David will give us a lowdown. Back in NYC, Katey was on a panel discussing the Bechdel Test for movies (two named women characters who talk about something other than a man), if it can be useful or should be discarded as outdated. Patches and Da7e manage not to embarrass their gender too badly.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Da7e (@da7e), Patches (@misterpatches), David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner),  and Katey (@kateyrich).

We also welcome your feedback, and there are lots of new places you can find us! Find us and like us at our Facebook page or call and leave us a voicemail at (914) 410-6450– if we like it, we may play it on an upcoming show.

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!


00:00 – 00:53: Lightning Round: Cops!

00:53 – 02:14   Intro: Welcome To Episode 10! 

02:14 – 19:11   Daivid Tidbit : 2014 Berlin Film Festival

19:11 – 26:05   Mini-Segment: Katey’s Patches Matches

26:05 – 50:23  Segment 3: The Bechdel Test

50:23 – 53:39  Outro


This week’s music:

“Posed to Death (Calculator mix)” by The Faint
“Baller” by Da7e
“Reckless Abandon” by Blink 182
1000 Pieces of Light” by Jess


009 – Philip Seymour Hoffman and Patches Matches Trivia
| 4. February, 2014


Plus Friedberg & Seltzer Parody Movies Discussed

This week, Katey, David and Da7e spend the majority of the episode entertained by Matt Patches, as the annual quiz-master has returned with a 2013 Edition of his punishing Patches Matches Trivia (back by popular demand!). Before that, Patches wants to talk about Spoof Movies by Friedberg & Seltzer and liking Spy Hard, then the hosts spend a good chunk of time processing the news of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s passing.

Oh, and the final SCREEN BITES review of Sherlock Series 3 episode 3 that Da7e is on? THAT’S RIGHT HERE.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Da7e (@da7e), Patches (@misterpatches), David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner),  and Katey (@kateyrich).

We also welcome your feedback, and there are lots of new places you can find us! Find us and like us at our Facebook page or call and leave us a voicemail at (914) 410-6450– if we like it, we may play it on an upcoming show.

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!


00:00 – 00:50: Lightning Round: Branded Content

00:50 – 01:34   Intro: Welcome To Episode 9! 

01:34 – 13:43   Patches Tidbit : Friedberg & Seltzer

13:43 – 27:03   RIP: Philip Seymour Hoffman

27:03 – 1:00:36  Segment 3: Patches Matches

1:00:36 – 1:03:35  Outro


This week’s music:

“Mission Impossible III Theme” by Kanye West
“Turnin’ On The Screw” by Queens of the Stone Age
1000 Pieces of Light” by Jess



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