The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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49 – From Game Theory To Ectoplasm Twinkie: Science In Movies
| 25. November, 2014


Plus Katey Rich’s Movie Quote Trivia Returns!

This week, Katey, Patches, David and Da7e have heard tell the Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser is going to be in a select number of theaters and are all pretty much in favor of the theatrical trailer experience. Then, inspired by Babadook, each host recommends some performances this year that probably won’t get rewards recognition. Finally, inspired by The Theory of Everything, Imitation Game and Interstellar, the group discusses using science in your movie. All that plus and Infinite Ticket lighting round question!

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@KateyRich),  Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@da7e) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).

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00:00 – Lightning Round: Infinite Ticket!

00:59 –   Intro: Welcome To Episode 49! 

2:18 – David’s Tidbit: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

17:00 – Mini-Segment: 2014 Performances Awards Might Not Recognize

23:58 – Segment 3 – Using and Misusing Science In Films

46:08:  Outro


This week’s music:

Imperial March VIP” by Dirt Monkey

Symphony of Science” by Melodysheep


FITWR 50: The Quarter Quell Strikes Back

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