The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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Thought Bubble #28 – Marvel Black and Captain America White
| 24. September, 2015



A podcast about Comics Pop Culture!

Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fanatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we’re back for more comics discussion!

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who is totally giving Jeph Loeb another chance this week,  Da7e Gonzales of Geek.com,  Latino-Review.com and Forbes.com.

No matter your level of engagement, if you’re interested in comic books and their surrounding pop culture, this show’s for you!

THIS WEEK: Joanna and Da7e both read issues #0 and #1 of Captain America: White by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sales. Is the color series working for Joanna? Does Da7e see any real-life parallels to the story being told? Then, a quick check-up on the Spider-Man movie and Gotham TV news before delving further into Marvel’s Reckoning with it’s Black Audience this year and looking forward to 2016. Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing a new Black Panther book and Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuthin to…uh…mess…with.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS for the next episode here in the comments, or e-mail us at bubbleyourthoughts@gmail.com


Episode Links:

Ta-Nehisi Coates/Black Panther NYT article

VICE on Wu Tang and Marvel

Axel Alonso on the Marvel Hip-Hop covers

Image Comics’ David Brother’s Tumblr post

This week’s closing track is the Childish – 100×100 (a Marvel Superhero/Villain Rap) 

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