With Joanna Robinson from Vanity Fair, Dave Gonzales from Geek.com and Neil Miller from Film School Rejects!
It's the sixth off season tour episode of A STORM OF SPOILERS! This week, our hosts travel back into their own pasts to see how it stacks up against Netflix's Sci-Fi/Horror/80s series Stranger Things. They all have thoughts on how successful this "homage" to the 1980s is and – of course – some crazy crackpot theories about what happened and what WILL (pun intended) happen next season. Joanna and Neil also loop in the new Pete's Dragon movie and Brain K. Vaughn's comic book series Paper Girls to talk about successfully mining a bygone period for fun (or touching) pop culture. THIS WEEK'S TIMECODES:
0:00:00 – Intro, Game of Thrones News 0:10:23 – Nostalgia with Stranger Things, Pete's Dragon and Paper Girls 1:15:12 – Laika Preview!
Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormofSpoilers) on Twitter! Like this podcast? Subscribe to FIGHTING IN THE WAR ROOM through iTunes or your podcast app. Off Season Art by @WikiRascals
This week's closing track: