The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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311 – Black is King, Harley Quinn, Pandemic Check-In
| 5. August, 2020

This week, Katey is back, but David is on vacation. Patches, Katey and Da7e discuss Beyoncé's new visual album Black is King, then Patches and Da7e sound off on the newly added to HBO Max Harley Quinn animated series. Finally, a pandemic check-in that stays on topic with You Must Remember This: Polly Platt, The Pelican Brief, Akira, Paper Mario Check-In, Schitt’s Creek, and the Origins Podcast.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and  David (@davidehrlich) .

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Pickled

00:57- Intro – Welcome to Episode 311! 

07:57 – Tidbit – Black is King on Disney+

20:33 – Mini-Segment – Harley Quinn on HBO Max

29:58 – Segment 3 – Pandemic Check-In

57:51  – Outro


The Thought Bubble #2 – Your Comics Questions Answered!
| 12. November, 2014

This week, we’re trying out a new show! Future shows will have their own graphic, theme song, general release. Let us know what you think because at this point: WE WANT TO KNOW REAL BAD!

A new podcast about Comics Pop Culture!


Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fantatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we’re back!

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who loved Shadowhawk, the superhero with AIDS, Da7e Gonzales of Latino-Review.com and Forbes.com, to answer YOUR comic book questions.

The podcast has TWO SECTIONS: “General” and “Advanced.” The first “General” section is for EVERYONE and won’t spoil anything that hasn’t happened on screen in a movie yet nor will Da7e be allowed to explain multiple arcs that might become spoilers.

No matter your level of engagement, if your interested in comic books and their surrounding pop culture, this show’s for you!

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS for the next episode here in the comments, or e-mail us at bubbleyourthoughts@gmail.com

Subscribe to the Fighting In The War Room feed for future episodes!

MUSIC: Ugress – Spider-Eyes, X-Men Theme (Bros)

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