The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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Thought Bubble #28 – Marvel Black and Captain America White
| 24. September, 2015



A podcast about Comics Pop Culture!

Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fanatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we’re back for more comics discussion!

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who is totally giving Jeph Loeb another chance this week,  Da7e Gonzales of Geek.com,  Latino-Review.com and Forbes.com.

No matter your level of engagement, if you’re interested in comic books and their surrounding pop culture, this show’s for you!

THIS WEEK: Joanna and Da7e both read issues #0 and #1 of Captain America: White by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sales. Is the color series working for Joanna? Does Da7e see any real-life parallels to the story being told? Then, a quick check-up on the Spider-Man movie and Gotham TV news before delving further into Marvel’s Reckoning with it’s Black Audience this year and looking forward to 2016. Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing a new Black Panther book and Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuthin to…uh…mess…with.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS for the next episode here in the comments, or e-mail us at bubbleyourthoughts@gmail.com


Episode Links:

Ta-Nehisi Coates/Black Panther NYT article

VICE on Wu Tang and Marvel

Axel Alonso on the Marvel Hip-Hop covers

Image Comics’ David Brother’s Tumblr post

This week’s closing track is the Childish – 100×100 (a Marvel Superhero/Villain Rap) 

Thought Bubble #25 – Comic Book Dead
| 21. August, 2015



A podcast about Comics Pop Culture!

Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fanatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we’re back for more comics discussion!

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who may have learned some facts about Daredevil Season 2 this week,  Da7e Gonzales of Geek.com,  Latino-Review.com and Forbes.com, to answer YOUR comic book questions.

No matter your level of engagement, if you’re interested in comic books and their surrounding pop culture, this show’s for you!

THIS WEEK: Joanna was at D23 and therefore has seen more Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange footage than anyone else. Mockingbird gets her own ABC spin-off series for some reason, we debate if Gotham Season 2 will be worth watching, Ronda Rousey should NOT be Captain Marvel and if death a resurrection cheapens those storylines in comics.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS for the next episode here in the comments, or e-mail us at bubbleyourthoughts@gmail.com


Episode Links:

Marvel D23 Panel (without footage)

Leaked, possibly inaccurate full plot for Civil War

Marvel’s Most Wanted gets a pilot order

This week’s closing track is a remix of the Bear Necessities. 

Thought Bubble #10 – Comics Media About Race and Disabilites
| 22. January, 2015

shadowhawk-banner-620x250 ShadowHawk-Spine

Your Comics Questions Answered!

A podcast about Comics Pop Culture!

Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fantatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we’re back!

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who foolishly thinks he’s “all caught up” on Fables,  Da7e Gonzales of Latino-Review.com and Forbes.com, to answer YOUR comic book questions.

No matter your level of engagement, if you’re interested in comic books and their surrounding pop culture, this show’s for you!

You can find all our old episodes at BatmanVSupermanEnterTheKnight.com!

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS for the next episode here in the comments, or e-mail us at bubbleyourthoughts@gmail.com


Episode Links:

The Thought Bubble Good Reads Account

Overthinkingit.com – Theorizing Disability in Iron Man 3

Response to Disability in Iron Man 3 (AmericanDramedy.Blogspot.com)

“Did NBC and ABC Rip Off This Comic Book?” From Slate. And the comic was Fables and yes they did.

South Park – Cripple Fight

PREVIEW – What’s On TV This Fall?
| 12. September, 2014


Two Women and a Guy Talk Boob Tube. He’s The Boob.

This week, with David and Patches hogging all the good movies in Toronto, Katey Rich summons Da7e and Joanna to fill her in on what she needs to know about the Fall TV Season before she takes off on her honeymoon. Joanna is well educated on the new shows worth watching and has some good advice on watching Boardwalk Empire. Da7e is on hand to go over the three superhero shows making their debut and joins Katey in Black-ish curiosity. No one mentions Selfie.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Joanna (@jowrotethis) and Da7e (@Da7e).


Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners!

Want more FITWR? Head to FightingInTheWarRoom.com for ALL the back episodes.

AUDIO NOTE: This episode suffered from technical difficulties and was Frankenstein'd together from several source files. 

This week’s music:

“Golden Age” by TV on the Radio


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