The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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126 – It’s Been A Lackluster Summer, Except For That Farting Body
| 7. July, 2016


With Special Guest Neil Miller!

This week, Katey Rich finally has Charlie Gul'Dan and David's on assignment, so Matt Patches and Da7e invite Film School Rejects' Neil Miller over from the Citadel of Crazytown to fight in our war room. This week, the guys all like Swiss Army Man, the Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe farting corpse movie, and it's wide so YOU can see it too! Then, with David and Katey gone, Patches and Da7e can finally talk Hearthstone. It's all wrapped up by a discussion about how this year's summer movie season isn't making anyone excited. 

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Da7e (@da7e) , Patches (@misterpatches), and Neil (@Rejects)

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Favorite Movie Bros

01:17-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 126!  Reviews! 

08:34 –  Tidbit:  Swiss Army Man

21:49 – Mini Segment: Bliazzard's Hearthstone

29:45 – Segment 3: Summer 2016 seems dull

57:44 –  Outro


122 – Katey Likes a Movie, Katey Likes a Game, Da7e Likes Zoos
| 8. June, 2016


Katey Played Warcraft before seeing Warcraft

This week, Katey, Patches, Da7e and David want to talk about Zoos as entertainment and/or cruelty. Some news items have Patches wondering if documentaries or even virtual reality provides the same connection to the other things in the world while Da7e “well, actually”s the premise. Before all that, Katey saw Now You See Me 2 and liked it which really pisses of David. Also, we made Katey play a little bit of 1994’s Warcraft: Orcs and Humans before Friday’s review of Duncan Jone’s adaptation.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich) Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Sequels, Lookin’ forward to

01:53-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 122!  Review! 

05:44 –  Tidbit: Now You See Me 2, Now You Don’t

17:20 – Mini Segment: Katey Played the DOS Warcraft

24:44 – Segment 3: We Bought Ourselves Opinions on Zoos

44:24 – Outro


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