The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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223 – Game Night, Blockers, David’s Vacation, Mission: Impossible Franchise
| 2. August, 2018


This week, Katey is on vacation, but David is back for a bro-cast. David and Patches explain the many virtures of 2018 comedies Game Night and Blockers before David takes a brief moment to describe where he's been while absent from the podcast. Finally – Tom Cruise is back for a new Mission: Impossible that is performing well at the box office. How is this happening?

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00:00 – Lightning Round: All Grown Up Sequels

01:30 – Intro – Welcome to Episode 223! Reviews  

07:00 – Tidbit: Game Night and Blockers

26:31 – Mini-Segement: David Went to Italy

36:03 – Segment 3 – Mission Impossible Fallout and the franchise

1:06:49 – Outro

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