The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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172 – A Ghost Story, Con of Thrones, and Spider-Man: Homecoming
| 7. July, 2017


This week, Katey is out, so it's up to the guys to bring you up to speed on this week's releases. First, David and Patches re-tread David Lowery's new movie A Ghost Story and debate just how much like a poem it is. Then, Da7e stops to fill the other two guys in on how great the first ever Con of Thrones was in Nashville this past holiday weekend, before all three jump into a review of Spider-Man: Homecoming that is briefly interrupted by David's dinner delivery.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and  David (@davidehrlich) .

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Teen-Age It!

01:24 – Intro: Welcome To Episode 172!  Contest!

05:50 –  Tidbit: A Ghost Story

18:01  – Mini Segment: Con of Thrones – Dave was there!

26:34 – Segment 3: Spider-Man: Homecoming.

54:16 –  Outro



REVIEW – Amazing Spider-Mess or Amazing Spider-Man? Let’s Ask Some Spider-Fans, 2
| 2. May, 2014


With The Dissolve’s Matt Singer and Cinemablend’s Sean O’Connell.

This week, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters and Patches sees fit to draw three fans of Spider-Man in to get their varying reactions. Sean O’Connell and Matt Singer return the show and join Da7e and Patches in picking apart Marc Webb’s sequel. Will the franchise suffer from villain over-load once again? Is this bombastic sequel too disjointed to function? That plus a spoiler section to discuss the film’s ending and your Lighting Round answers about movies you get sh*t for.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us: follow the show (@FITWR), Patches (@misterpatches) and Da7e (@Da7e), Matt (@MattSinger) and Sean (@Sean_OConnell)

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!

This week’s music:

“My Enemy” by Hans Zimmer
“King of New York” from Newsies
new-amazing-spider-man-2-trailer-shows-off-the-green-goblin (1) 

003 – The Amazing Desolation Of Second Installments
| 10. December, 2013


Spider-Man, Hobbit and 2013 Movies You Should Watch RIGHT NOW.

This week, Da7e, David, Patches and Katey concern themselves with the middle part movies. First, returning guest Sean O’Connell from Cinemablend.com stops by to discuss the new trailer for Marc Webb’s Amazing Spider-Man 2 and how it involved many more elements than most expected, followed by a short segment with a recommendation from each host on a really good movie from 2013 available for you to stream now. We wrap things up on a surprising note as David enjoyed the new Hobbit movie more than Patches while Katey and Da7e have mixed feelings about seeing this new Peter Jackson episode.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us: follow our guest (@sean_Oconnell), the show (@FITWR) Da7e (@da7e), David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner), Patches (@misterpatches) and Katey (@kateyrich) on Twitter.

We also welcome your feedback, and there are lots of new places you can find us! Find us and like us at our Facebook page or call and leave us a voicemail at (914) 410-6450– if we like it, we may play it on an upcoming show.

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!


00:00-00:37 Lightning Round: CGI Characters

00:38 – 01:36 Intro: Welcome to Episode 3, iTunes Please

01:37 -13:46 Da7e’s tidbit: Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer with Spider-Fan Sean O’Connell

13:47 – 21:56 Mini-segment: A “Best Of 2013” You Can Stream RIGHT NOW.

21:57 – 44:28 Segment 3: Desolation Of Smaug and Being Trapped in A Middle Part

44:29 – 47:39 Goodbye!


This week’s music:

“The Best” by Tina Turner
“Desolation Row” by Vitamin String Quartet
1000 Pieces of Light” by Jess



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