The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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66 – It’s ‘Always’ a Mad Mad Mad Men World
| 7. April, 2015


And our wants for Game of Thrones

This week, Katey, Da7e and THE EHRLICH are at the whims of astral dog Patches, who watched Steven Spielberg’s Always recently and wants to talk about this oft-forgotten entry in the Spielberg canon. After putting out those fires, Patches wants out ghosts to whisper in his ear the future of Game of Thrones Season 5 (no real spoilers). Then, Patches has also somehow watched Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 and thinks it’s obviously influenced Mad Men. There is no better excuse for the four hosts to talk about cinematic influences to AMC’s ending drama, so they do. They do.

Follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich)  Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@da7e) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).

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00:00 – Lightning Round: Non-English English Roles!

01:30 –   Intro: Welcome To Episode 66! Review! 

3:55 –  Tidbit: Steven Spielberg’s Always

16:21 – Mini Segment: What We Want from Game of Thrones SSN 5

23:47 –  Segment 3: 9 to 5 and Mad Men’s Cinematic Influences

48:50 – Outro


Music Breaks 



Seg. 3


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