The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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155 – Your Name, Berlin Film Festival, and the 1997 & 2007 Oscars
| 21. February, 2017


This week, Patches is back from Japan and wants to talk about anime sensation Your Name, David is back from the Berlin Film Festival and has a wrap up, and Katey is deep in Academy Awards coverage, so the gang decides to flash back by decades to the 2007 and 1997 Academy Awards to see how the show (and it's nominees) have changed and what stuck.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich) .

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00:00 – Lightning Round: Tense Moments

02:02-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 155!  GIVE AWAYS! Reviews!

10:38 –  Tidbit:  Your Name

23:56  – Mini Segment: Berlin Film Festival

35:50 – Segment 3: Looking back at he '97 and '07 Academy Awards from '17

59:57 –  Outro


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