The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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Top Tens 2018
| 28. December, 2018


Strap In For A Long Podcast About The Very Good Year of 2018

It's that time of year again: time to make a list! Katey, Patches and David all have their top ten films of the year and Da7e will host a countdown episode, popping in occasionally to give his top five picks for best movie 2018.  Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@KateyRich),  Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@da7e) and David (@davidehrlich ).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! 


00:00 – Introduction and Format

01:01 – #10s

17:11 – #9s

30:51 – #8s

47:29 – #7s

1:02:08 – #6s

1:12:36 – #5s

1:23:22 – #4s

1:32:24 – #3s

1:50:49 – #2s

2:06:51 -#1s




10. Leave No Trace
9. Death of Stalin
8. Blakkklansman
7. The Favourite
6. The Sisters Brothers
5. A Star Is Born
4. Widows
3. Support the Girls
2. First Man
1. Private Life


10. Aquaman
9.  The Favourite
8. First Man
7. You Were Never Really Even Here
6. If Beale Street Could Talk
5. Eighth Grade
4. Burning
3. Can You Ever Forgive Me?
2. Widows
1. Minding the Gap


10. Mandy
9. Wildlife
8. If Beale Street Could Talk
7. Mission Impossible: Fallout 
6. Burning 
5. The Tale
4. Shoplifters
3. Madaline's Madaline
2. Paddington 2
1. First Reformed


5. The Favourite
4. Hereditary
3. Sorry To Bother You
2. Eighth Grade
1. Roma

233 – The Good Place Season 3, David and a Hedgehog, A Star Is Born
| 12. October, 2018


This week, Katey, Patches, and Da7e talk about The Good Place Season 3 (so far), David reveals he's been caring for a live hedgehog, and it's finally time to review A Star Is Born!

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and  David (@davidehrlich) .

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: INSTERT Answer

01:46 – Intro – Welcome to Episode 233! Reviews! 

06:58 – Tidbit: The Good Place Season 3

20:05 – Mini-Segement: David and a Hedgehog

27:14 – Segment 3 – A Star Is Born

54:52 – Outro


229 – Katey at TIFF, Castle Rock, The Predator
| 13. September, 2018


This week, somehow Patches and Dave return to the war room unsupervised to talk about the first season of Hulu's Castle Rock (no spoilers!) and The Predator (eventually spoilers) – two things with new entries this week, just like this podcast. Also, Katey checks in very late from her hotel room in Toronto to tell you about A Star Is Born and other noteworthy festival fare.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and  David (@davidehrlich) .

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Worst Blockbuster Effect

01:16 – Intro – Welcome to Episode 229! 

05:30 – Tidbit: Katey from Toronto International Film Festival

13:34 – Mini-Segement: Castle Rock Season 1

25:05 – Segment 3 – The Predator

56:23 – Outro


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