Hello Merrill!

Considering Matt Patches and myself used your Legend Of Korra bonus episode of The Idiot Boxers to soft launch the Republic City Dispatch (hear that episode here), we all certainly know a thing or two about gaming to get more followers! : )

In the two days since Korra has aired, we’ve gotten the “let’s not trust Amon” question/comment from listeners laserswordsthewomanwhohasthearebelheart , and badluv12.

We have considered the possibility, yes. But, then again, maybe we’re all missing the point (like badluv12 suggested to us) and Amon serves a purpose close to the Fire Lord in Books 1 & 2 where he’s scary because he’s faceless.

I’ve already gotten a lot of Batman out of Korra, but say Amon tells a different origin story a la The Joker to everyone he meets. That would have me equally satisfied. 

We have a masked villain, so at some point he will need to be unmasked/revealed, but I think we have a ways to go before we get there, and that moment will have the weight that “I was born on a farm, a bender killed my parents” didn’t have.
