The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

// >> Volume 1

REVIEW — The August Movie Smorgasbord
| 8. August, 2014


Better movies served chilled on a half-shell.

This week, Katey, Patches, David, and Joanna Robinson heard the weekend’s rowdy flock of releases to find anything worth your while. On the table: What If?, the Daniel Radcliffe/Zoe Kazan rom-com that continues Goon director Michael Dowse’s hot streak; The Hundred-Foot Journey, a foodie drama from sentimentalist Lasse Hallström; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Michael Bay-ified reboot of the cartoon franchise; Into the Storm, a disastrous disaster movie Patches barely survived; and Deepsea Challenge 3D, a nature doc/memoir from director James Cameron. That and your answers to this week’s lightning round question about a female-led remake on this week’s review episode.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich),  Patches (@misterpatches), Joanna (@jowrotethis) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).


Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!

This week’s music:

“Shark Attack Theme” by Sven Libaek
“On Our Own” by Bobby Brown



34 – Only Women Can Save Us!
| 5. August, 2014


Men and women were created equal, but they are different. Especially when it comes to weight loss. Women face some unique challenges in getting the bathroom scale to budge. And these challenges are both medical and emotional in nature. So whether you're trying to lose 5 pounds or 50, it’s important to understand your weight loss challenges. That way, you'll be armed with weight loss tips (specifically for women) and strategies that can help you break through those obstacles and making slimming down easier. Try out these meticore diet pills.

Obstacle #1: Do you feel stressed?
Almost everyone feels stress at some point in the day. But research shows that women are more prone to feeling stress as they juggle the demands of their work commitments, their family lives and their social ties. And not only that, but women are also more likely than men to feel guilt when work interrupts their home lives. All of that pressure adds up, sending stress-hormone levels soaring, the testo boosters can increase energy levels for your body.

The kicker in all of this? Research shows that high levels of a stress hormone called cortisol increases appetite. Uh-oh. And cortisol makes people crave foods high in fat and sugar. Double uh-oh.

The solution: To help keep stress from sabotaging your waistline, one of the best weight loss tips for women is to spend at least a few minutes every day practicing a simple stress reduction strategy. Like one of these:

  • Walk for 10 minutes. And walk outside if you can.
  • Breathe deeply 10 times.
  • Tense and then relax each muscle group. Start at your toes and move up.
  • Find a quiet place to meditate for 10 minutes.

Obstacle #2: Are you getting enough sleep?
Most people don't get enough sleep. But women have more sleep struggles than men do. In fact, about 70 percent of women get fewer than 8 hours of sleep per night. Women have more trouble falling and staying asleep, and they also suffer from more daytime sleepiness compared with men. Some of the top factors in women's sleep troubles include work and family stress, health problems and uncomfortable beds.

All of which can add up to stubborn pounds, because a lack of sleep throws appetite hormones off and stimulates overeating.

The solution: Sleep in. Go to bed early. Makeover your bedroom until it resembles a veritable sleep-fantasy suite. Do whatever you need to do to get the recommended 7 to 8 hours a night. Especially if you're trying to lose weight.

Obstacle #3: Feeling sluggish?
A sluggish thyroid—also know as an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism—is much more likely to develop in women than in men, especially after menopause. And that spells trouble for waistlines. Here's why: In addition to fatigue and sluggishness, an underactive thyroid can also cause weight gain.


The solution: If you have unexplained fatigue and weight gain, have your thyroid levels checked. An autoimmune condition called Hashimoto's disease is a frequent cause of hypothyroidism, and it's more common in women than in men. Another underlying cause of hypothyroidism in women: pregnancy.

Is your thyroid going haywire? Look for these signs.

Obstacle #4: How much muscle do you have?
Blame this one on Mother Nature. Women's bodies are built differently than men's—women have more fat and less muscle. And less lean body mass means they have lower resting metabolic rates compared with men. Women burn fewer calories on a baseline level. And that smaller body size means women burn fewer calories with the same amount of exercise. And their bodies have evolved to hold on to fat stores better, in order to produce and nourish healthy babies. Visit vaprzon for more information about healthy habits, like vaping.

The solution: Avoid super-low-calorie diets that'll put you into starvation mode and make it harder for your body to burn calories and lose weight. Eat small meals throughout the day so your metabolism stays fired up. Also, focus more of your workout on strength training—to help you keep the muscle you have.


REVIEW – Is Guardians of the Galaxy The Marvel Movie You’ve Been Waiting For?
| 1. August, 2014


These Four A-Holes Saw The Movie

This week, all four hosts have their usual battle about this summer’s crazy superhero offering from Marvel. Somehow everyone saw the movie and has enough opinions that no one does the whole review saying only “I Am Groot.” That’s right! It’s James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy and the whole podcast hangs in the balance: Just what will David hate about this one? Is Katey finally interested in Thanos or would she rather speak about Get On Up? Can Da7e convince Patches that a notecard movie is a good thing? Find out who ends the show with the Infinity Stone, right now!

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich),  Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@Da7e) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).


Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!

This week’s music:

“Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone
“Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum



33 – If You Love Something…Demand A 5-Year Release Schedule?
| 29. July, 2014


Plus Comic-Con 2014 Wrap-Up and More Lucy

This week, Katey, Da7e, Patches and David managed to all stay out of San Diego during Comic Con which puts us in the unenviable position of sorting out what was cool and what wasn’t purely out of the news that made it out on the internet. Then: David’s absence during last week’s Lucy review was felt, especially when you hear his real opinions about the ScarJo action flick. Finally: Will bundling intellectual properties into megafranchises butt-up against an ever rabid fandom and destroy the blockbuster as we know it? Da7e says yes.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich),  Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@Da7e) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).


CALL IN and leave us a voicemail! You could be part of the show!  (914) 410-6450

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! It helps us with expanding to new listeners, especially in these early days of the new podcast!


00:00 – 00:43: Lightning Round: Odd Love

00:43  – 01:12:   Intro: Welcome To Episode 33! 

01:12 – 13:37:  Da7e’s Tidbit: Good Stuff From San Diego Comic-Con 2014

13:37 – 21:16 – Mini-Segment: David On Lucy

21:16 – 42:55 – Segment 3 – MegaIP v. Fandom: Dawn of JustUs

42:55 – 46:03  Outro


This week’s music:

“Lucy” by Hanson

“I Love It”  by Icona Pop

“Old Man River” performed by Paul Robeson


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