The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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132 – The Get Down and Open Letters to DC
| 17. August, 2016


AUDIO NOTE – David’s microphone began generating static during segment three when the laptop he was recording began to run low on memory. We corrected the issue as much as we could and will avoid it in the future. Thanks.

This week, Patches, Joanna, David and Da7e talk about Pajiba’s Open Letter to Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara that started the rumor that Wonder Woman, next year’s DC Fils installment, might not be good. That’s after Joanna, David, and Patches discuss Netflix’s new show The Get Down about the birth of hip hop in New York and all four hosts quickly list off some pop culture they feel on the outside of at the moment.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Joanna (@jowrotethis) Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Business Partners

01:11-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 132!  Review!

09:40 –  Tidbit:  The Get Down

25:07  – Mini Segment: Excluded From ________

34:05 – Segment 3: Open Letter and Open Letters

59:39 –  Outro


131 – White Guys, Then Children’s Movies
| 9. August, 2016



Plus a "bad" mini segment

This week, Patches, Joanna, David and Da7e debate how much they can hold Stephen Colbert responsible for apologizing to Donald Trump on the Late Show last year, only to use him as a target for ridicule to boost his ratings now. Then, David wants everyone to pick a single "best living director" for a mini segment, then with Pete's Dragon coming out this week and garnaring some good reviews, we ponder the state of Children's/Family films in a year of talking animal overload.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Joanna (@jowrotethis) Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Bridges!

01:24-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 131!  Reviews!

06:40 –  Tidbit:  Stephen Colbert and Donald Drumpf

21:26  – Mini Segment: Best Working Director Picks

30:50 – Segment 3: The State of Children's and/or Family Entertainment

56:54 –  Outro


130 – Potter and Politics (in Criticism)
| 2. August, 2016






Plus a "bad" mini segment

This week, Patches, Joanna, David and Da7e wake up to find themselves in a world where Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 & 2 is published Potter canon. Then, Patches wants to talk about the trend of "Bad" movies after disliking Bad Moms. The bulk of the podcast is spent debating just how much (if at all) a person can separate their politics from viewing and discussing a movie. It doesn't get super specific about the politics side, we know you hate it when we do that.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Joanna (@jowrotethis) Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Villain To Hero

01:50-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 130!  Reviews!

08:08 –  Tidbit:  Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

21:17  – Mini Segment: Bad Bad Movies

30:33 – Segment 3: Politics and Movies

59:19 –  Outro


129 – Comic Con 2016 and a Horseman
| 26. July, 2016




Stranger Things and Ghostbusters

This week, Patches, Joanna, David and Da7e ponder Bojack Horseman now that season three has been released and discover the diving line is Will Arnett. Then, David must praise Indignation before everyone talks about San Diego Comic Con 2016, which Joanna actually attended.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Joanna (@jowrotethis) Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round: Pre-2000 Ladies

01:17-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 129!  Reviews!

07:33 –  Tidbit:  Bojack Horseman

23:12  – Mini Segment: Indignation

28:31 – Segment 3: Comic Con 2016

01:00:02 –  Outro


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