322 – Love Actually

Just in time for Christmas, we’re covering a seasonal favorite… or one you love to hate, depending on the corner of the internet you occupy. In 2003, Richard Curtis decked the halls of the ensemble romantic comedy mold with Love Actually. Telling several stories of love and heartache among Londoners during the holidays, Love Actually has since achieved a cult status of fans along with a myriad of thinkpieces about several of its subplot. But at the time, it was a surprisingly devastating supporting turn from Emma Thompson and a star-making turn from Bill Nighy that earned the film its buzz.

This episode, we unpack each of the romantic subplots of the film and Richard Curtis’ recent honorary Oscar. We also talk about other Christmas classics, how the film time capsules post-9/11 culture between America and the UK, and 2003 supporting contender musical chairs.

Topics also include ugly jewelry, the film’s needle drops, and Oscar nominations for Christmas movies.

159 – The House of Mirth

This week, we are looking at the work of director Terence Davies and his 2000 literary adaptation of The House of Mirth. Based on the classic Edith Wharton novel, the film casts Gillian Anderson as Lily Bart, a woman who tragically fails to navigate the cruelties of New York high society at the turn of the century. The film earned strong reviews for Davies (rebounding from his adpatation misfire The Neon Bible) and Anderson (still flying high with her Emmy-winning performance on The X-Files), but a small late year release made this one a bigger hit with critics than it ultimately was for the Academy.

We look back at the 200 Best Actress lineup, and discuss how Anderson might have fallen victim to an Academy still too willing to categorized television stars as just television stars and how indie distributor Sony Pictures Classics (rightly) had another awards priority. We also discuss how costume dramas went out of fashion as Best Picture contenders, the film’s spectacular supporting cast, and the 2000 Costume Design nominees.

Topics also include to extinct Village Voice poll, the British Independent Film Awards, and the 2000 Toronto International Film Festival.

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Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil

010 – Hyde Park on Hudson

Lend us a hand and listen along as we discuss this week’s case of failed Oscar buzz: 2012’s Hyde Park on Hudson.

Opening with the burden of Bill Murray’s mounting Oscar hopes but in the shadow of The King’s Speech success handling a shared historical figure, Hyde Park on Hudson couldn’t charm its way into Oscar’s good graces. Even with Murray playing beloved American president FDR, this film couldn’t get past its odd business of picnic food and expositional handjobs.

This week we discuss another ephemeral awards season organization, director Roger Michell’s fascinating and underacknowledged career, and the beloved ensemble of actresses including Laura Linney and the Olivias Colman and Williams – not to mention Dr. Pinder-Schloss herself, Elizabeth Wilson.

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Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil