323 – Rust and Bone

For New Years week, the auld acquaintance that won’t be forgot on our show is… a grim French drama about broken bodies. In 2012, Jacques Audiard returned to Cannes with Rust and Bone starring Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts as reluctant lovers healing through personal tragedies. The film left Cannes with no prizes but with a lot of buzz for Cotillard, which came on strong throughout the precursor season. But with a Best Actress field in flux, a few surprise ascendant nominations left an early contender like Cotillard in the dust.

This episode, we talk about our experience of liking the film less on rewatch and the trend of Cannes films becoming Oscar players in the past decade. We also talk about our issues with Emilia Perez, the film missing out on being the French International Feature submission, and the season that led to Cotillard’s Best Actress win for La Vie En Rose.

Topics also include Katy Perry, the 2012 Cannes lineup, and Audiard’s Palme for Dheepan.

284 – The Sisters Brothers

If you think we are too dismissive of westerns, allow this week’s episode to contradict that notion! In 2018, Jacques Audiard made his English language debut with an adaptation of Patrick deWitt’s novel The Sisters Brothers. John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix starred as gunslinging assassin siblings in 19th century America, with both on the pursuit of a detective and a scientist (played respectively by a reunited Jake Gyllenhaal and Riz Ahmed) with a plot for gold. Despite the reputation of everyone involved, the film received a mild reception at fall festivals before a quiet September release.

This episode, we talk about the struggles of Annapurna to successfully switch from being a production house to a distributor. We also discuss the career of Reilly with the hopes of a career reappraisal, our feelings about the western genre and the attempts to revive it, and Audiard’s French submission contender in A Prophet

Topics also include surprise Carol Kane, queercoding, and Jake going weird.

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