221 – The Front Runner

We’ve previously discussed the work of Jason Reitman with our Men, Women, and Children episode, and this week we have another Reitman bomb: 2018′s The Front Runner. The film features Hugh Jackman as Senator Gary Hart and dramatizes Hart’s failed presidential campaign that was thwarted by an infidelity scandal. Released on Election Day after a very mild fall festival run, the film posits Hart’s case as the beginning of political muckraking in America, but fails to make a compelling case for that argument or find a pulse on the political climate in the immediate year’s following the 2016 Presidential Election.

This episode, we talk about Jackman’s prestige run in the shadow of Wolverine and his prospects this year with the reviled The Son in a weak Best Actor field. We also welcome Reitman regular J.K. Simmons into our Six Timers Club, and discuss Reitman’s other 2018 release Tully, post-Hart political sex scandals, and Vera Farmiga Phone Acting.

Topics also include Phil Hartman’s Clinton impersonation, current awards season malaise, and our upcoming mailbag episode!

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Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil

071 – Pan (with Katey Rich)

This week, we welcome back our first ever returning guest: VanityFair.com deputy editor Katey Rich! And what better topic to discuss (as mutual defenders of the work of director Joe Wright) than 2015′s Pan? The film was yet another retelling of the Peter Pan story, this time arriving amidst expectations for Wright to deliver another design spectacle before receiving a savage critical drubbing.

Much as we would love to defend Wright’s honor, we unpack how Pan is an unfortunate spectacle of bizarre design, racial insensitivity, and motifs ripped off from Moulin Rouge!. Also in this trivia-packed episode, we look back at Best Picture and the PG rating, decipher the difference between our Garrett Hedlunds and Charlie Hunnams et al., and how this Neverland saga compares to that other critically reviled one, Steven Spielberg’s Hook.

And at the top of the episode, we announce something special coming to you very soon: another mailbag episode! Send your questions to us on Twitter (@Had_Oscar_Buzz) or email us at hadoscarbuzz@gmail.com!

Follow Us on Twitter!
Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil
Katey: @kateyrich