073 – Hairspray (with Cameron Scheetz)

We’ve got a film notorious in the history of the IMDb Game this week: 2007′s Hairspray! After pointing out the film’s omnipresence in our trademark game during our first Mailbag episode, the nicest kid in town The AV Club’s Cameron Scheetz joins us this episode to talk about the film’s delights, from its stellar cast to its joyful tunes. But this summer release couldn’t get ahead in the fall awards season gamut, getting overshadowed by late-breaking musicals Sweeney Todd and Enchanted despite major nominations at both SAG and the Golden Globes.

This episode, we look at the Oscar season that almost left us without an Oscar telecast because of the long writers’ strike. Topics also include John Travolta’s so-wrong-it’s-right place in the Edna Turnblad legacy, Oscar-nominated performances in musicals, and the unforgettable Adele Dazeem. “Nikki Blonsky From The Movie Hairspray”, we salute you!

Last call for question entries for this month’s Mailbag episode!! We’ll still be taking your questions about Oscar history, the current Oscar race, the podcast in general, or anything that might be on your mind through the end of the week! Tweet at us at @Had_Oscar_Buzz or email at hadoscarbuzz@gmail.com!

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Joe: @joereid
Chris: @chrisvfeil
Cameron: @cameronscheetz