The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//418 – Pandemic Check-In (Screeners Edition)

Episodes | | 8. December, 2022

This week, everyone had a week of chaos last week either due to family or work obligations, so we thought we'd take it easy on the format with another PANDEMIC CHECK-IN. After a review heavy start, this show without a format barrels through some movies we've all been watching trying to catch up for the end of the year. Armageddon Time! Aftersun! Bones and All! Living! and some other random topics like briefly touching on the new Sight and Sound poll. CHAOS IS A LADDER.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and  David (@davidehrlich) .

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!


00:00 – Lightning Round:  Theatrical Memory Redux

5:16 – Episode 418! 

1:22:18  – Outro


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