The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//Top Tens 2019

Episodes | | 28. December, 2019


A Long Podcast About The Good Movies of 2019

It's that time of year again: time to make a list! Katey and Patches have their top ten films of the year and Da7e will host a countdown episode, popping in occasionally to give his top five picks for best movie 2019.  Also – MEET DAVID'S BABY…or, more accurately, hear us see David's baby over Skype. Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@KateyRich),  Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@da7e) and David (@davidehrlich ).

Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear! 


00:00 – Guest Starring David Ehrlich

17:08 – #10s

25:21 – #9s

37:39 – #8s

45:06 – #7s

56:55 – #6s

1:04:38 – #5s

1:13:57 – #4s

1:21:38 – #3s

1:31:24 – #2s

1:40:59 -#1s



10. Knives Out
9. Her Smell
8. Portrait of a Lady on Fire
7. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
6. Pain and Glory
5. The Irishman
4. Little Women
3. Ad Astra
2. Hustlers
1. Parasite

10. Monos
9. The Irishman
8. Under the Silver Lake
7. Ad Astra
6. Her Smell
5. American Factory
4. Parasite
3. Marriage Story
2. The Farewell
1. Uncut Gems

10. Knives Out
9. Her Smell
8. Synonyms
7. Uncut Gems
6. The Souvenir
5. The Farewell
4. Ad Astra
3. Little Women
2. Parasite
1. Portrait of a Lady on Fire

5. Us
4. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
3. Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2. Parasite
1. The Farewell

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