The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//160 – Power Rangers, Boss Baby, and Riverdale

Episodes | | 29. March, 2017


This week, Katey, Da7e, David and Patches dig into Power Rangers, the movie that managed not to be crushed by Beauty and the Beast this weekend, then David fills in the group on Boss Baby and how long it takes to work on a single premise. Finally, Katey is catching up on Riverdale and David and Patches are already on board. Is this comic-adaptation-YA-soap more than it appears?

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e)  Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich) .

Validate Da7e by reading his Power Rangers article here. 

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00:00 – Lightning Round: Contest!

01:31 – Intro: Welcome To Episode 160!  CONTEST! Reviews!

11:00 –  Tidbit:  Power Rangers

25:04  – Mini Segment: Boss Baby

31:29 – Segment 3: Riverdale

53:52 –  Outro


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