The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//Thought Bubble #24 – The story’s told. With facts and lies. I had a name. But nevermind

Thought Bubble | | 13. August, 2015

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A podcast about Comics Pop Culture!

Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fanatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we’re back for more comics discussion!

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair’s Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who totally knows why dead characters in Secret Wars also show up in Ultimate End,  Da7e Gonzales of Geek.com,  Latino-Review.com and Forbes.com, to answer YOUR comic book questions.

No matter your level of engagement, if you’re interested in comic books and their surrounding pop culture, this show’s for you!

THIS WEEK: Not a lot of questions answered this week as the Television Critics Association Press Tour gives us some new news on the CW world of DC shows and Supergirl. Also there’s an X-Men TV show in development which is super complicated and OH MY GOSH, DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE?!?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS for the next episode here in the comments, or e-mail us at bubbleyourthoughts@gmail.com


Episode Links:

First look, Black Panther 

Stuff not in Fantastic Four

X-Men TV seires

Constantine coming to Arrow

This week’s closing track is totally recognizable 

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