The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//REVIEW: Various Amounts of Fury Surrounding Fury

Legacy»Review Episodes»Volume 1 | | 17. October, 2014


TankMan LaMoustache 

This week, David, Patches, and Katey strap into a Sherman tank to take on Fury, the latest from End of Watch director David Ayer. Starring Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, and Shia The Beef, Fury is a muscle-laden WWII movie with action and broship on its mind. Does it storm into battle or peter out before engagement? Find that out and hear recommendations on the 10,000 other movies coming out this Friday on this week’s review episode.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@KateyRich), Patches (@misterpatches) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).

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This week’s music:

“Stalin Wasn’t Stallin'” by Robert Wyatt
“Ecstasy of Gold” by Ennio Morricone (arranged by Gustavo Santaolalla)
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