The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//Review: Following Thor Into The Dark World

Review Episodes»Volume 1 | | 19. November, 2013


This week we’re finally learning to pronounce Mjolnir and failing to remember the name of the MacGuffin this time, as we review the latest Marvel Studios effort Thor: The Dark World. For help, Patches and Katey bring in Badass Digest’s Devin Faraci, who is both knowledgeable about superhero things and pretty enthusiastic about this latest adventure (it’s also his birthday today– Happy Birthday Devin!) And we end with your answers to our lightning round question about movies that involve drinking.

Take a listen below and find your downloading options; for more from all of us, you can follow our guest Devin Faraci (@devincf), Da7e (@da7e), David (@davidehrlichor @CriterionCorner), Patches (@misterpatches) and Katey (@kateyrich) on Twitter.

We also welcome your feedback–and there are lots of new places to drop us a line! Find us and like us at our Facebook page or call and leave us a voicemail at (914) 410-6450– if we like it, we may play it on an upcoming show.


And if you like what you’re hearing, don’t forget to review us on iTunes!

This week’s music:

“Die Walküre (The Valkyrie)” by the London Philharmonic

“Kråkevisa” by Viba Spelemannslag

“Lifeblood” by Karen Unrein Kahan


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