The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

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152 – Star Wars Titles, Princess Marches, and Split’s Secret Twist
| 24. January, 2017


With Guest Host David Sims from the Black Check Podcast!

This week, Patches and David are maybe dead at Sundance, so Katey and Da7e decided to keep the "David" quotent the same by inviting David Sims of the Blank Check Podcast to fill in for this week's topics! First: Star Wars Episode VIII has a title and Da7e geeks out over what "The Last Jedi" could mean, then Katey muses with David and Da7e about Carrie Fisher iconography at the Women's March over the weekend. Finally, David has seen Split and Da7e NEEDS to talk about how it's a backdoor sequel to a 17 year old movie. Katey is surprisingly game.


Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich), Da7e (@da7e and special guest host David Sime (@davidlsims) .

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00:00 – Lightning Round: Dog Movies

00:59-   Intro: Welcome To Episode 152!  Reviews!

06:32 –  Tidbit:  The Last Jedi

20:07  – Mini Segment: Carrie Fisher and the Women's March

31:52 – Segment 3: Split and Twist Endings 2017 Edition.

52:30 –  Outro


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