The Film and Pop-Culture Podcast

//86 – Remembering Best Pictures

Episodes»Legacy | | 9. September, 2015


And will we remember them later?

David has gone to Telluride as Katey, Patches and Da7e stay behind to talk about these dregs of the summer movie season. First, this weekend sees the release of foreign horror movie Goodnight Mommy, Patches and Da7e have both seen it and want to ask Katey if a twist can actually hurt your viewing of a film. Then, Patches wants to see The Bastard Executioner unspool and will we remember the past two decades of Best Picture winners as fondly as the Oscar winners of the early years?

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00:00 – Lightning Round: Creepy Romantic Leads

01:12 –   Intro: Welcome To Episode 86!  REVIEW!

06:59 –  Tidbit: Goodnight Mommy (and THOSE movies)

19:36 – Mini Segment: The Bastard Executioner

25:24 –  Segment 3: Best Picture Winners of Yore

46:53 – Outro

Music Breaks 



Seg 3


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